Meet Star Lucente Reflexologist Expert at Reflexology Energy Work

Star Lucente


Star Lucente is a teacher and practitioner of Ingham Reflexology, an Usui Reiki Master and Shamanic practitioner, and a plant-based nutritionist. A former athlete, she comes from a versatile background in mixed martial arts, lastly competing in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and boxing. Star is passionate about knowing thyself and having a strong relationship with nature. She honors our connection to all sentient beings and lives a healthy vegan lifestyle. 

Star was born into a history of complex trauma and spent her earlier years embodying a low vibrational state. Having to tune into the energy of others for survival, she was highly sensitive from a young age. Star would channel energy to heal her body from regular physical abuse; Ultimately, holding space for others to heal themselves, by the time that she was a teenager. Star spoke with her angels and guides often, frequently communicating with Archangel Michael. This kind of 'praying,' as she knew it to be, allowed her to handle each day, after the next. Long after, Star learned that she was engaging with something called, 'Life Force Energy;' A gift available to anyONE, open to synchronizing with the frequency. 

Star was not aware that this healing could also be applied to the emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies, until 2012; While, studying clinical nutrition and reflexology, under a naturopathic doctor. Star's first mentor, Dr. Frank Auriema, introduced her to Usui Reiki. She quickly resonated with this practice and remembered her own connection to Source/Higher-Self. Star had grown up dependent upon substances to numb her existence; It became clear to her, that she needed to move through years of unresolved trauma. Only then, would she be able to fulfill her divine purpose - Star adopted a meditation habit, left her career to move more into energy medicine, and soon began experiencing a spiritual awakening.

In 2017, Star was called to work with the sacred plant medicine, Tabernanthe Iboga. After her initial flood journeys in Costa Rica and an arduous integration period with the 'Stern Father,' she was guided to heal on the deepest of levels. Star learned to forgive, to soften, and to trust into full surrender; Furthermore, opening her heart to unconditional love. She rid herself of chronic anxiety and depression and aligned to her soul's purpose of simply, BEing. Star remembered that she would always be a part of the ONE. As her awareness of consciousness began to expand, so did Star's desire to examine herself, deepen her work, and move into her fullest expression. Knowing that there is only LOVE and that we are all a connection to ONE another, she spreads the ancient message of Divine ONEness. 

Star moved to Sedona in 2020, two years after receiving messages during meditation. She had never heard of this very special town, before; However, the pull could no longer be ignored. Star left her work, gave away her belongings, and drove across the country with Niles, her beautiful kitty son. She is currently writing about her journey of healing into empowerment, intending to inspire others to live an authentic life. 

Star's joy is to assist her clients with remembering our connection to ONEness. Her work focuses primarily on the chakra system- our very essence. Sessions are tailored to your specific intention and conclude with a brief reading.

A Note From Star

Star asks that you please be mindful of the practitioners and other guests, who have chemical and fragrance sensitivities, and allergies. It is imperative that you do not use any perfumes, colognes, body lotions, hair sprays, heavy detergents, or other scented products before your appointment. Please arrive fragrance-free, so that your session does not have to be rescheduled. Many thanks :)

Services Offered By Star


“Reflexology is a science which deals with the principal that there are reflexes in the feet relative to each and every organ, and all parts of the body. Stimulating these reflexes properly, can prevent and alleviate many health problems in a natural way.” - Eunice D. Ingham

Star practices the powerful combination of reflexology, and reiki healing. She may identify nutritional deficiencies, organs or systems that are functioning less than optimally, and/or energy centers in the body that are out of balance. 

Your session will begin with grounding, channeling reiki energy through the body's nerve endings in the feet. Pressure will then be applied to these specific reflex points, where congestion and deposits are broken up for detoxification, vital energy blockages are removed, and wellness is promoted in the corresponding body part, system, or energy center. The reflexology ends with a therapeutic massage to the feet, (using vegan/organic, fragrance-free lotion), and hot towel wraps.

Reflexology induces relaxation, reduces stress, enhances sleep, and improves the circulation and delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the cells in the body. Reiki will take this treatment deeper, once the body's energy channels have been opened; this combination has been known to accelerate the natural healing process. 

REFLEXOLOGY allows the body to function as nature intended by:

  • Boosting the circulatory and lymphatic systems

  • Eliminating toxins from the body

  • Increasing overall vitality

  • Identifying energy blockages and balancing the chakra system

  • Stimulating the function of the nerves and the central nervous system

  • Regulating hormones

  • Relieving constipation and IBS

  • Speeding recovery from injuries and surgery

  • Managing pain

  • Calming arthritis and inflammation

  • Preventing headaches and migraines

  • Providing relief from female disorders

  • Resolving plantar fasciitis

  • Grounding and connecting ONE to self

  • Promoting deep relaxation and better sleep

  • Lifting depression and anxiety

  • Alleviating allergies and sinusitis

  • Easing symptoms associated with dis-ease “treatments”

  • Harmonizing feminine and masculine energies

  • And Much More



Reiki (pronounced ray-key), is a practice of channeling energy, laying on hands, or simply working in your aura or energy field to facilitate healing. It is very effective for relaxation and stress reduction and also promotes healing. When you are relaxed your conscious mind or ego-mind relaxes, making it much easier to transmit energy that promotes your health and well-being. The Reiki practitioner is a conduit for the energy, almost like turning on a radio, where they channel Universal Life Force energy to you to detect and clear energy blocks.



The word “chakra” means spinning wheels of energy. The chakras are centers of life force energy (chi) that correspond to vital points in the physical body. As the chakras spin, they vibrate with energy — balancing our spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical health. Sometimes the chakras become unbalanced, and this can manifest as symptoms in the mind, body or spirit. The goal of chakra balancing is to realign the 7 major chakra centers in order to return the natural flow of energy to the individual.

Your Chakra Scan & Reiki Balancing session begins with a discussion of your intention or goal for the session. You will lay on a massage table fully clothed. Your chakras are scanned intuitively and/or with a pendulum so that you can see where balancing is needed. During this time Reiki energy is channeled to repair, align and/or open each chakra. This subtle energy healing amplifies your intentions encouraging and enhancing the body’s natural ability to effectively heal and balance itself.



Star is now offering her signature, "Reflex-Reiki" sessions, which include 60 minutes of foot reflexology and massage, and 30 minutes of full-body reiki. This work will focus on enhancing the body's own ability to heal and restore balance, on a more profound level.


Shamanic Reiki

Shamanic Reiki integrates shamanic practices with the potent healing energy of Reiki. Shamanic practices are ancient techniques used to align you with the earth’s energy, your higher spirit, spirit guides, and animal totems for transformative healing work. Shamanic reiki practitioners can see, feel or hear blocks or negative energy which may limit you from living a full healthy life. The practitioner then uses techniques that can drive out or gently remove these blocks. They may use drumming, crystals, their breath, or they may call on spirit guides to help them. The practitioner will then fill the empty space with healing energy, such as light, color, or sound. Reiki is a practice of channeling energy, laying on hands, or simply working in your aura or energy field to facilitate healing. When we put these two practices together we amplify the healing power of each, allowing deeper healing at all levels of mind, body, and spirit.



I’m so grateful! Getting a reiki treatment from Star was pure serendipity. I did not know what to expect, but it was exactly what I needed. I’ve had some pretty major health challenges of late. It was so encouraging to work with someone who understood how to talk to me about taking care of my whole body again.
— Anonymous
I had a session with Star and something wonderful happened! Star helped me uncover an emotional blockage in my neck that I was unaware was there. The journey to connect with what my body was trying to bring into my awareness, and then release became a powerful tool for my well-being. Star offers a map of your emotional and energetic fields through working with the feet for a clear picture of where your body needs focus and release.
— JL
Relaxing, rejuvenating & highly recommended

Superb reflexology session with my therapist named “Star” - she was able to tap in to any corresponding health issues, and I truly felt better overall afterward. The design/aesthetics of the center itself are warm, welcoming and cozy. During my visit, a snowstorm was just getting started (highly unusual for Sedona). Nevertheless, the owner was kind enough to pick me up and drop me off at my hotel before and afterward, in that it was safer to do so since he had a four-wheel drive vehicle. That’s the kind of personalized service that makes Gateway Cottage Wellness Center so distinctive. It’s a must-visit during any excursion to Sedona.

to Schedule a Session or for information:

To schedule a session with Star, please click the button below or call (928) 862-4400 and we will be happy to assist you.