
Giampaolo (JP) Lomeo

Certified Reconnection Practitioner

Giampaolo (JP) Lomeo has a B. A. from Rutgers University. He has been a dedicated student of spirituality and has been practicing meditation daily, since the mid-1970s. JP first read Dr. Eric Pearl’s book The Reconnection: Heal Others, Heal Yourself in 2006. Synchronistically, upon finishing the book, a training seminar was being held less than a mile from JP’s home. He was irresistibly compelled to sign up.

During that seminar, JP experienced an immensely profound shift and healing. He knew that he had finally found his life’s true calling and purpose. He went on to take the Level III training in 2009. In 2015, he completed the newly required “Foundational Practitioner” training and was recertified for the “Reconnection Certified Practitioner” title.

JP lives and has practiced his work in mystical Sedona, AZ since 1991. He is very passionate about healing and would consider it a great honor to facilitate your personal Reconnection, or to be the catalyst in bringing these frequencies of healing energy, light, and information into your life, wherever you may be in the world, via distance healing or in person.


Reconnective healing

Reconnective Healing® is a return to an optimal state of balance, and therefore an optimal state of health and evolution. It offers a comprehensive spectrum of new vibrational frequencies with the power to induce spontaneous healing. Embodying Universal Intelligence, these frequencies are accessible to all, regardless of spiritual beliefs or any prior experience with healing. If you believe in the transcendent power of energy healing, and that a shift in consciousness can lead to your personal evolution, you have come to the right place.


The reconnection

The Reconnection® is an accelerated exchange of the Energy, Light & Information® found in the Reconnective Healing frequencies. It is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, facilitated in a two-session process, that ties us back into a timeless system of intelligence. It will often propel the receiver onto their life course. Embrace the life that you were meant to live!



I highly recommend JP as an energy healer to anyone who wishes to work with someone of high skill and integrity to heal yourself with Universal/Source energy through his hands. JP is a clear, open channel who easily receives these healing energies. I have over 35 years experience in various healing modalities and trainings. By far, JP is the best I’ve met to date! He also has an open, warm and sincere spirit and will give you his very best every time. I have had healing sessions and the RECONNECTION work with him. I feel confident and safe in his healing hands.
— Kelli Erickson, Ph.D., Sedona, AZ
This wonderful process is different from any I’ve ever experienced. I felt as if every inch of my energy field (aura) was systematically gone over, cleared and realigned. There is nothing random about the process, and JP comes from a place of total joy, focus and unconditional love. I wish everyone could experience this fantastic process! Highly recommended!
— Haizen, Sedona, AZ
When I had my healing session with JP …I felt revitalized! It was a very cleansing and freeing journey! I have known JP for many years and have felt his spirituality the entire time. To just say that he has a remarkable GIFT is an understatement! I recommend everyone take a spiritual journey with him!
— Lynne W., Vista, CA

to Schedule a Sessions or for information:

To Schedule a session with JP click the button below or Call (928) 862-4400 we will be happy to assist you.