
90 minutes $244 • 2 Hours $322

Hypnotherapy helps us access the subconscious and unconscious aspects of your mind, where we can do powerful work to locate and release erroneous or limiting beliefs, negative habits, and emotions, that are not in alignment with your conscious goals and that no longer serve you. The overall goal of hypnotherapy is to get all three of your minds working together in a high-powered partnership.

SCHEDULE A SESSION | Practitioner:  Faye Ryan


90 min $244

Hypno Reiki sessions offer the combined healing energies of reiki and hypnotherapy to bring you into a deeper state of relaxation and direction. This session will help your body restore and melt away tension and anxiety as Fae guides you on your path to well-being.

SCHEDULE A SESSION | Practitioner: Faye Ryan

Inner Child Reconnection Hypnotherapy 

90 min $244•2 Hours $322

In this session, we journey to re-parent the inner child to give that part of you what it needed all along. When we re-parent, we can enable the release of trauma stored at the cellular memory, grow beyond codependency, and embrace empowerment. In doing so, we foster self-worth, self-love, and self-confidence. 

90 min session includes psychic and/or reiki energy healing to assist in your reintegration.  

SCHEDULE A SESSION |Practitioner: Faye Ryan

Hypno Manifest

90 minutes $244•120 MINUTES $322

Combining Intuitive Coaching, Mindset Training, and Hypnosis, in this session we explore the true art of manifesting. We will find, release, and reprogram your limiting beliefs and then create new pathways for you to explore your power to manifest as the creator.

SCHEDULE A SESSION | Practitioners: Faye Ryan

Reprogram Me

90 minutes $244•120 minutes $322

Around 90% of your day is spent in an autopilot state (programming). In order to create change, past programming needs to be cleared, shifted, or altered to make way for new patterns and behaviors to set successfully. Using a combination of Hypnosis, Neural Linguistic Programming Techniques (NLP), Mental Emotional Release, and Weekly Homework, this program enables YOU to consciously choose the programs running the show in your life.

SCHEDULE A SESSION | Practitioners: Faye Ryan

Soul Mapping

90 MINUTES $244•2 hours $322

Do you truly know yourself? At a soul level? Do you want to? Then this is the program for you. Combining any or all of the following: Combining any or all of the following: Past and/or Present life regression,  Future Life Progression; Parallel Life Reclamation; and Spirit Guide Assistance. We map the core of YOU to bring a greater depth of presence and understanding to the life you now know.

SCHEDULE A SESSION | Practitioners: Faye Ryan

Trauma Resolution

90 minutes $244•2 HOUR $322

This pathway dives deep into healing memories locked away at the cellular level. This may include Inner Child Healing, Bloodline Clearing, Holographic Memory Resolution, EFT, Hypnosis, and Timeline Therapy depending on the nature of the trauma.

SCHEDULE A SESSION | Practitioners: Faye Ryan

Past Life Regression

90 MINUTES $244•2 HOURS $322

Experience a past life for healing or tap Into gifts & talents from past lives. Past Life Regression is a therapeutic technique for accessing and re-experiencing your past lives directly for the purpose of growth and healing. With the compassionate guidance of our hypnotherapists and energy healers you’ll explore and heal past life issues that may be impacting your current life. It’s also an opportunity to tap into strengths, talents and gifts you had in prior lives and energetically bring them forward into your current life. During this process, you’ll also receive guidance and insight from your past self and/or your spiritual guides. The past life that you “visit” is typically directly related to a current issue, challenge or question that you’re experiencing in this lifetime.

  • Understand personal relationships in a new light

  • Awaken talents and abilities from the past

  • Release fears and anxieties linked to past life traumas

  • Release past life traumas at the root cause

  • Understand and align with your soul’s purpose

The overall experience is very cathartic and most experience an important shift in their personal life. 

SCHEDULE A SESSION | Practitioners: Faye Ryan


To request a Hypnotherapy session, please click the button below or call (928) 862-4400 and we will be happy to assist you. Zoom and phone sessions available.