
Helena Bacellar

Craniosacral Therapy, Myofascial Release

Helena Bacellar is a talented and intuitive healer who believes in the wisdom of the body and the power of the inner healer in each person. Myofascial Release and Craniosacral Therapy are very holistic approaches to healing, whether the source of the dysfunction is physical, emotional, or spiritual as it manifests in the body. Her role as a massage therapist is to listen to the wisdom that is inherent in the body tissues and facilitate the healing process using her extensive professional training and deep intuitive abilities. 

Helena is a Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist, Board Certified Licensed Massage Therapist, and a Usui Reiki practitioner.  She received her massage therapy training in 2009 at the Potomac Massage Training Institute in Washington DC where she was exposed to a variety of bodywork and energy healing modalities. 

Helena specializes in Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy and Myofascial Release which she sometimes combines in her sessions. Her Myofascial Release training includes most of John Barnes's seminars and several of Lori Zeltwanger’s workshops including the art of therapeutic dialoguing. Helena has been living in the Sedona area since 2010 and loves to go out hiking on the red rocks. She is honored and grateful to be of service to others through this healing profession in beautiful and healing Sedona!

The deepest intentions of her healing practice are:

  • To facilitate the release of chronic and acute pain

  • ​​To help reduce stress and anxiety

  • ​To improve the clarity of mind

  • To support the experience of deep relaxation

  • ​To assist in the reset of the nervous system

  • ​To encourage the integration of physical/ emotional/ spiritual issues

  •  To promote overall balance and well-being

CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a healing art that works with the energies creating and maintaining health in the human system. While not a manipulative therapy, it has its roots in osteopathy and has evolved to include influences from human development, pre and perinatal psychology, trauma resolution, and recent advances in neuroscience. CST supports nervous system regulation and allows the resolution of conditions resulting from stress and trauma. Practitioners use an educated, gentle, non-invasive touch to engage with the expressions of health in the system. The modality is known to be deeply relaxing for the nervous system, strengthening for the immune system, and balancing for the endocrine system. The cerebrospinal fluid bathes and protects the brain and spinal cord and carries an intelligence and potency (life force), which becomes mixed with other bodily fluids. The cerebrospinal fluid also fluctuates and creates a variety of tides within the system. As the therapist — from a place of stillness — listens to these internal tides, the client’s system begins to access its own inner resources, a little like finding keys to previously locked doors. The therapist listens deeply to the system, tapping into its inherent intelligence, while focusing on the system remembering its original blueprint of health. The therapist encourages the client’s system to access its own resources, offering new choices and possibilities at every level. During a session, you may experience sensations as energy that has been held in the body being released. The session quite often involves a process of letting go of patterns inhibiting your health and vitality.


Myofascial Release consists of gentle application of sustained pressure into fascial restrictions in the body.  Fascia is a tough connective tissue that covers all cells, nerves, blood vessels, organs, muscles, and bones of the body in a three-dimensional web without interruption. Trauma, posture, or inflammation can bind fascial tissue, creating excessive pressure on those body components, and leading to pain. The gentle but sustained pressure into fascial restrictions helps release this binding and relieve pain. Myofascial Release addresses multiple layers in the body and ranges from very light to very deep, depending on the client’s needs. With Myofascial Release techniques no oil or cream is applied.

Since I have received the Reiki attunements, Reiki energy is always part of my sessions. Rei and ki are two Japanese words that mean "universal life-force energy." This energy is transferred from a Reiki Master to a student through an attunement or initiation process. Being attuned to Reiki gives one the ability to access this universal life-force energy for the purposes of healing a living organism or situation, and this can be across time and space. Once attuned, the Reiki energy remains with the practitioner for the remainder of his or her life.



Helena is a gifted therapist with great heart and knowing touch. Search across the United States and you won’t find another with her gifts of healing and refined touch that inspire health. She is an extraordinary therapist and caring listener, with well-trained touch skilled at promoting health and intuitive awareness. She seems to know exactly what her clients need in each session. Helena meets her clients where they are in every moment.
— MM, May 2020, Arlington VA
I saw Helena today for the first time, suffering from a sore low back, general exhaustion after a big move, and aggravating a hip that needs replacing. She was so tender, intuitive, and loving! I left feeling cared for and so much better in body and mind. Thank you, Helena! Highly recommended.
— AL, Sedona, AZ
I have been the blessed recipient of Helena’s work for years. I leave her sessions with an increased clarity of mind and body, refreshed and nourished. The space she holds is sacred and powerful. I recently had a remote session with Helena and am happy to share that the experience was just as helpful!
— DV, April 2020, Flagstaff AZ
Helena Bacellar is a powerful healer.  After a mountain bike accident in September,  I worked with a physical therapist for six sessions and just got worse.  I then saw a Chiropractor who reset my dislocated shoulder. I then followed up with Helena; after three sessions with her I am free of pain and my mobility is back to normal.  Helena’s CranioSacral work is gentle and non-invasive, yet produces astounding success in healing.
— BG, March 2020, Sedona, AZ


To Schedule, a session with Helena click the button below or Call (928) 862-4400 we will be happy to assist you.