Gateway Cottage Wellness Center's exceptional teachers and healing practitioners.



BakeR Gendron is The Psychic Coach

Through BakeR’s own healing journey, recovering from childhood trauma and abuse, she was inspired to teach others how to heal themselves, and to facilitate healthy change. Upon completing 10 intensive years of her own healing, she traveled to Peru, where she met her spirit guide - Mamacita- from the spirit vine Ayahuasca. After studying with Shamans: Maestro Banco Ayahuasquero – Don Rober Acho Jarama and Maestro Huachumero – Don Howard Choque Chinchay in the Amazon Jungle and in the Andes mountains, she returned to Arizona with her guide Mamacita, to continue providing healing work for others. She now works with Mamacita, as well as other spirits including the Arcturians, the Hathors, the Elohim, Geronimo, and many times your own guides and/or loved ones who have crossed over. As a team, they work together, with BakeR as the channel, for your highest and best good.

To learn more about BakerR, visit her page here...

Benwebsite.jpg Best Massage In Sedona

Ben Howell - Manager of gateway cottage wellness center

Medical Massage, Deep Tissue, Sports Massage, Headache Relief, Cupping, Pregnancy, Trigger Point Massage, Pregnancy Massage,Reiki Master

Ben Howell has been a licensed massage therapist for over six years. He used to work with some of the Isotope (AAA Baseball), Gladiator (Professional Indoor Football), and United (USL Soccer) and therefore is very accustomed to working with athletes. 

Ben’s massage journey started in 2012 when he was playing semi-professional soccer and tore every ligament in his knees. Ben was told that he would not ever walk again. 

This recovery process gave Ben a passion and a new purpose in life. It propelled him to specialize in deep tissue massage with an emphasis on not only making people feel better but actively working to make sure that the physical issues get lasting relief. Ben uses a slow and methodical approach, addressing problem areas and shifting focus when needed to provide the best possible massage experience for clients.

To learn more about Ben, visit his page here...

Sedona Medical Massage Therapy Channeled Massage


Carol recently moved from California where she ran her own Massage Business for 20+ years. She has developed a unique way to communicate with a person’s muscles, nervous system, and fascia (connective tissue) to achieve profound release, peace, and relaxation.  Because this intuitive communication happens at a deep level, time allows for only two or three bodily sections to be worked on in a session. If you are not sure where to begin the work, allow Carol to energetically scan your body to encourage your body to decide where to begin!

Carol has been a Massage Therapist since 1996 and has been trained in Myofascial Release, Deep Tissue, Trigger Point, and Reiki. Her years of experience and knowledge bring a variety of bodywork and energy modalities to each session to achieve profound healing and wellbeing.

Carol invites you to experience her philosophy, commitment, and touch for yourself.

To learn more about Carol, visit his page here...

Chakra Balancing Professional


The body is a living energy system and is designed to heal itself. When energy is flowing harmony and balance are restored.

Cassie brings 30 years of practice, training, and personal healing to her work. With a strong Vipassana/Mindfulness meditation background, she holds the presence of stillness inviting the breath to open and expand you more deeply into YourSelf. She blends multiple modalities: Acupressure. Tui Na, BioDynamic Cranial Sacral, Chakra Clearing and Balancing, Energy Healing, Myofascial Release, Ancestral Clearing, and Forgiveness. She is a Reiki Master and a graduate of Donna Eden’s Energy Medicine Program. Separated from her parents at age 5 and living in two different foster homes brought many emotional challenges. Many years of shamanic work, sweat lodges, meditation retreats, prayer, and deep personal clearing has given her the compassion to hold space for others to remember their wholeness.

To learn more about Cassie, visit her page here...

Damaris MoonSpirit, Holistic Health Practitioner, Energy Worker, Certified Crystal Healer, Shamanic Practitioner & Indigenous Curandera/Medicine Woman

Intrigued by metaphysics & esotericism from her early years, Damaris' Spiritual Journey was sparked by her innate curiosity and insatiable yearning to learn through her Ancestral Wisdom and spiritual growth. Being clairesentient since childhood, MoonSpirit has felt the call to be of service and help others in need of healing. Her intuition has heightened as her knowledge further expands, day by day she has cultivated her abilities through self awareness and introspection.

After many years working in the medical field and feeling unfulfilled; Damaris began to study alternative medicine and holistic healing modalities ranging from her Indigenous lineage, Shamanic practices, Energy work, Mindfulness Meditation, Crystal & sound healing and Massage therapy. Damaris finds power in helping others remember their innate abilities, so that they, too, may invoke the healer from within. She utilizes and integrates different Holistic Healing modalities in order to promote Harmony, Peace and Relaxation within the Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual bodies.

To learn more about Damaris, visit her page here...

Daniel Posney, Gateway Cottage Wellness Center

Daniel Posney, Shamanic Breath, Sound and Relationship Alchemist

As a child, Daniel Posney was a “sensitive empath” with an inner knowing and passion for universal truth. Through traumatic experience and rediscovery, Daniel found himself amongst several shamans, mystics, indigenous teachers, and living on a 4000-acre, self-realization community, within a 200 sqft cabin, for 3 years. Now and for over 13 years, Daniel provides life transformation, energetic and shamanic healing, intuitive guidance, initiation into higher consciousness, and soul activation. Daniel does this by causing shifts in perspective, higher consciousness, and spiritual awakening. Breathwork and vibration/sound is used to open the door.

Learn more about Daniel, visit his page here…

Emerald ‘Earth’ Martin, Numerology and Astrology, Intuitive Readings, Sound Healing, Natal Charts

As a Master in the arts of Numerology and Astrology Emerald will unlock your true self. She is a mystic goddess coming from the islands of Hawaii who is a gifted intuitive reader and healer. She brings a unique energy to Gateway Cottage Wellness Center with her unique readings.

Enjoy a Numerology session or an Intuitive Reading and leave feeling more inspired, full of energy and with a new outlook on life.

Connect to your new you by scheduling a session with Emerald.

To learn more about Emerald, visit her page here…

Best Psychic Intuitive Reader Sedona Hypnotherapy Hypnotherapist

Faye Ryan, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

My passion is transformation; I love working with souls on the path of self-discovery, who seek to unlock their highest potential, work through past trauma, and discover a life they will love to live.  

I believe you are already whole just as you are; however, years of subconscious programming, socialization, and trauma may have masked your natural magnificence. 

Your highest potential is still there inside of you, waiting to be revealed! Together, we focus on ALL of you, mind, body, and spirit. We will go to the root of whatever may be hiding who you truly are, and then a beautiful truth emerges... YOU.

To learn more about Faye, visit her page here…

Helena Bacellar, Gateway Cottage Wellness Center

Helena Bacellar, Craniosacral Therapy & Myofascial Release

Helena Bacellar is a talented and intuitive healer who believes in the wisdom of the body and the power of the inner healer in each person. Myofascial Release and Craniosacral Therapy are very holistic approaches to healing, whether the source of the dysfunction is physical, emotional, or spiritual as it manifests in the body. Her role as a massage therapist is to listen to the wisdom that is inherent in the body tissues and facilitate the healing process using her extensive professional training and deep intuitive abilities. 

To learn more about Helena, visit her page here...

JP Lomeo, Gateway Cottage Wellness Center

JP Lomeo, Reconnective Healing

Giampaolo (JP) Lomeo has been a dedicated student of spirituality and has been practicing meditation daily since the mid-1970s. He is very passionate about this work and would consider it a great honor to facilitate your personal Reconnection or to be the catalyst in bringing these frequencies of healing energy, light, and information into your life, where ever you maybe in the world, via distance healing or in person.
To learn more about JP, visit his page here...

Experience a guided hike in sedona arizona with Kaatje Jones. Or experience a life changing voice movement therapy session as you embark on a sound journey  or guided hiking tour

Kaatje Jones, Voice Movement therapy, Sound Healer, Guided Hiking

Kaatje Jones grew up in Colorado and spent the better part of her adult life as a nomad. She has always been fascinated by the human expression - when she discovered a healing modality that combined voice with an active imagination and somatic exploration she jumped at the opportunity to study it. She practices Land Based Voice Movement Therapy with Earth-Based Spirituality. Kaatje asks the land itself to guide and hold the session. Here amongst the red rocks, this frequency creates magic. Explore Sedona, your own voice, sound, and energy with Kaatje today!

Learn more about Kaatje, Visit his page here…


Scott has been a student of Internal Medicine since 2008. These internal therapies are rooted in the ancient healing modalities of the Taoist Tradition Of China, Shamanic Traditions of the Native Americans, and the Ayurvedic Health Science of India. These systems are designed to produce a vital body, a balanced mind and an awakened consciousness.  These health sciences have been the saving grace of his life. His passion is merging these ancient wisdom traditions with modern science. Scott specializes in psycho-somatic therapies and a Chinese form of abdominal organ massage known as Chi Nei Tsang.

Scott has received training from Kripalu School of Ayurveda and Yoga,  New Mexico School of Yoga and Ayurveda, Diamond Way Ayurveda, Energy Arts, The New Mexico School of Natural Therapeutics, Shabeta's Healing Garden, The Ayurvedic Institute, and The Universal Tao Center.

Scott is a certified Abdominal Massage Specialist, Ayurvedic Diet and Lifestyle Counselor, Ayurvedic Acupressure Therapist, Shirodhara Tech, Natural Therapeutics Specialist, Reflexologist, Yoga/Chi Gung Teacher, and a Licensed Massage Therapist.

To learn more about Scott, visit her page here…


Star Lucente is a teacher and practitioner of Ingham Reflexology, an Usui Reiki master practitioner, and a Plant-based nutritionist. Additionally, she offers sacred medicine integration guidance; supporting those on their healing journeys, encouraging the implementation of spirit's lessons into this human experience.

During her sessions Star provides a powerful combination of foot reflexology and reiki healing. She will identify nutritional deficiencies, organs or systems that are functioning less than optimally, and energy centers in the body that are out of balance or misaligned. The session begins with connection and grounding, channeling Reiki energy through the body's nerve endings in the feet. Pressure will then be applied to specific "reflex points," where congestion and deposits are broken up for detoxification, vital energy blockages are removed, and wellness is promoted in the corresponding body area or system. The reflexology concludes with a therapeutic massage to the feet, (using organic, fragrance-free lotion), and hot towel wraps. Reiki energy is then channeled through the feet, to the specific areas and/or energy systems requiring extra care.

To learn more about Star, visit her page here...


VALERIE IRONs, sound alchemist

Valerie Sanjali Irons is an artist, sound alchemist and kirtan wallah living in Sedona, AZ. She founded Bhakti Tribe Sedona in 2010, bringing kirtan and devotional music to the Red Rocks of Sedona. She offers kirtan with her devotional music project “Sanjali Kirtan" and finished recording her first cd in 2016. As a sound alchemist, she is immersed in the world of sacred sound. She offers private sessions - “Soundwave Journeys” - using her Soundwave Bed™, as well as Shamanic Breathwork. She is dedicated to divine healing through the arts. Inspired by divine love, she is deeply grateful.

To learn more about Valerie, visit her page here...

If you would like to book a session with any or all of our fantastic practitioners here at Gateway Cottage Wellness Center, don’t hesitate to send us an email or give us a call.

Book your sessions today!