Scott Weaver

therapeutic massage, abdominal Relaxation Therapy, ayurvedic acupressure therapist, reflexology

Scott has been a student of Internal Medicine since 2008. These internal therapies are rooted in the ancient healing modalities of the Taoist Tradition Of China, Shamanic Traditions of the Native Americans, and the Ayurvedic Health Science of India. These systems are designed to produce a vital body, a balanced mind and an awakened consciousness.  These health sciences have been the saving grace of his life. His passion is merging these ancient wisdom traditions with modern science. Scott specializes in psycho-somatic therapies and a Chinese form of abdominal organ massage known as Chi Nei Tsang.

Scott has received training from Kripalu School of Ayurveda and Yoga,  New Mexico School of Yoga and Ayurveda, Diamond Way Ayurveda, Energy Arts, The New Mexico School of Natural Therapeutics, Shabeta's Healing Garden, The Ayurvedic Institute, and The Universal Tao Center.

Scott is a certified Abdominal Massage Specialist, Ayurvedic Diet and Lifestyle Counselor, Ayurvedic Acupressure Therapist, Shirodhara Tech, Natural Therapeutics Specialist, Reflexologist, Yoga/Chi Gung Teacher, and a Licensed Massage Therapist.

These internal systems have provided him with the tools to connect with the spiral rhythms of life and become a more conscious student of life. It is his hope that with these therapies, he can empower and inspire others the way these therapies have empowered and inspired him.


Research and clinical studies prove that massage therapy’s advantages include much more than just relaxation. The medicinal benefits of therapeutic massage can have a positive, lasting impact on your overall health and lifestyle. It can rid your body of everyday stresses, reduce muscle pain and tension, help alleviate the discomfort of certain ailments, and help restore balance to your body and mind.

Therapeutic Massage uses varying degrees of pressure to release chronic muscle tension. The focus is on the deepest layers of muscles, tendons, and fascia.

Swedish Massage uses light strokes to calm the nervous system, reducing anxiety and tension in the body. Deep Tissue or Swedish Massages can be done as an individual session or combined in one session if needed or requested.


ABDOminal Relaxation therapy

This abdominal detox/relaxation therapy, known as Chi Nei Tsang, is an ancient and time-tested form of detoxifying abdominal bodywork from China. It is an art and science that utilizes a systematic method to strengthen, energize and detox the internal organs. This therapy has a similar effect to acupuncture. This therapy releases stress and promotes healing by opening obstructions around the navel and surrounding abdominal area. 

Stress is responsible for 80% of imbalance. Stress is a fancy word for tension. The abdomen is a place where stress, tension, and negative emotions accumulate and congest. The navel in Chinese Medicine is known as the "Lower Tian Tien", which translates as the "Sea of Chi". The abdomen is a place where all the body's acupuncture meridians all connect at one point. When the abdominal area is knotted up, the vitality and energy flow of the whole body is compromised. The body wastes so much energy holding this tension and this slowly weakens the circulation to the vital internal organs. This decreases the available energy for the rest of the body and the mind.

Chi Nei Tsang eliminates toxins in the G.I. tract. It also promotes circulation, lymphatic drainage, digestion, and emotional release. The circulation of the spine and the extremities are also stimulated in this therapy. Please wear loose-fitting clothing.


Indian Head Massage w/ Relaxing Spine Release

This spa therapy is deeply relaxing and nourishing for the mind, brain, and nervous system. The mind and brain are directly related to the senses. In our modern technological world, the senses are often overused which leaves the mind scattered and the brain burnt out. The brain, spine, and abdomen are energetically and neurologically connected. The intention of this therapy is to oxygenate the brain, relax the spine and promote better circulation to the abdomen. This soothes the central nervous system and centers the thinking mind.

This therapy begins with a warm herbal oil massage over the abdomen, deepening the breath and grounding the mind. Next, the Indian Head Massage uses synchronized, fluid massage strokes around the head, neck, and face. This relaxes and loosens important cranial nerves as well as stimulates the surrounding acupressure points and meridians. The last part of this therapy uses circular massage strokes around the shoulders, spine, and low back with traditional herbal oil. Steam therapy is then applied which allows the sweat glands to open and the muscles to loosen. This action sends the herbal oil deeper into the muscles and nerves. 



Reflexology is one of the oldest forms of bodywork. It has been practiced by just about every ancient culture and up to the present day. There is an energetic principle in the internal martial arts systems that says one unit of energy generated or stimulated in the lower body, is equal to 10 units generated in the upper body. Reflexology takes advantage of this principle as well as stimulating and relaxing the entire system from the feet. This reflexology therapy has 4 phases to it. 

The first phase is a reflexology massage of vital acupressure points that reflex to the organs, skeletal structure, knees, and hips. 

The second part is a message sequence of the foot with Ayurvedic Kansa Wands. Kansa Wands is a 5000-year-old smooth bodywork tool from India that predates the Jade Roller and Gua Sha massage tools. In Ayurveda, Kansa is often referred to as the bell metal or healing metal tool because Tibetan gongs and bells were often made from the same healing material. Kansa tools are similar to acupuncture needles because they have the ability to stimulate and attract the body's electromagnetic energies or chi. This grounds the mind and removes excess acid and inflammation from the tissues. 

Next, an herbal powder is placed on the foot to remove and pull out any toxins that were released during the treatment. So these toxins don't recirculate. 

This therapy is ended with a massage of the lower legs with a medicated herbal oil. This assists in the venous blood flow of the heart. Steam therapy is applied to further relax the muscles and tissues.



I chose Scott because he practices ancient techniques. He is a joy to work with. His passion for his work is a gift. I have done many digestion sessions with him and it has helped me in many ways. I am calmer, more relaxed and the knots in my abdomen have been opened. I have been grateful for his recommendations for home practice and increased healing. I also appreciate his natural and nature-honoring ways. True healing has to involve harmony with nature and Scott has this harmony and respect.
— Jasmine Shoshanna.

Scott is the missing link in any health improvement program. I have struggled with bloating on and off for years despite having great health in other areas. I have used excellent alternative medical care for the past 14 years but had yet to fully conquer bloating despite eating a very clean diet with digestive support. Scott’s treatments relaxed my nervous system, which in turn released the long-standing bloating. What a relief! My only regret is that I wish I found him sooner! I now refer my family, friends, and clients to him without hesitation. 
— Becky Siconolfi

Scott is a true asset to your health. He is concerned with your overall well-being and the best treatment for you, rather than pushing what costs more. He is knowledgeable, open, great at listening and I truly credit him with the speed of recovery from my chronic illness. I consider Scott a friend and I can not recommend his services highly enough. If you are new or experienced with Eastern therapies, Scott creates a very comfortable and therapeutic environment that allows for true healing. 
— Ryan Styfield

My experience has been outstanding. I started with 3 abdominal sessions to help me with a medical issue and went on to try 5 other wonderful services to obtain the benefits. The Shirodhara was my absolute favorite. It was the most relaxed meditative state I have ever been in. So wonderful with lasting effects. The way Scott teaches, cares, and shows a clear intent on helping others, adds to the overall wonderful experience. 
— -Teresa Vaughn


To schedule a session with Scott, please click the button below or call (928) 862-4400 and we will be happy to assist you.