Love Will Prevail


Love Will Prevail

By BakeR Gendron

Have enough courage to trust love one more time. And always one more time.”

– Maya Angelou

After the loss of a love, it is so easy to shut down, draw in, retreat. So easy to forget the touch, the support, the love. So easy to forget that Love is always available from Source.

Yet as Maya Angelou so profoundly reminds us, we need only trust love one more time. For today, we can trust Love – the Love of Spirit, the Universe, the One. That Love which is larger than us, all encompassing, always there, the light that never goes out.  It breathes us – we are IT. 

Inside us is a pure, innocent core of untouched perfection.  It is this sweetness that sustains us, this light that illuminates.  We have only to go to this reservoir and draw sustenance.  It is always there, constantly replenished. 

It is this Love that provides hope, joy and faith.  Sweetly it reminds us of the gift in the present. We see with clear vision, embracing the light, acknowledging the purity and moving forward with grace.

The heart opens, excitement returns, trust enfolds us and we know that the dance will never end, the conversation will go on and on. 

And when we are ready, Love will faithfully restore our hearts and fill them to overflowing.

Love will prevail. 

Affirm this:

I allow my heart to open, expanding with the possibility present in this new day. I live in wonder, trusting Spirit and my essence to create Love in, as and through me. I honor the dance. Love lights the way.

Blessings of Love, BakeR